

  • The Asian Thyroid Working Group, from 2017 to 2023

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    Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine 2023; 57: 289-304
  • Lessons learned from the diversity of thyroid nodule practice

    Kakudo K, Liu Z, Jung CK, Lai CR

    Cancer Cytopathol. 2023 Dec;131(12):741-746. doi: 10.1002/cncy.22728.
  • Young people’s perspectives of thyroid cancer screening and its harms after the nuclear accident in Fukushima Prefecture: a questionnaire survey indicating opt-out screening strategy of the thyroid examination as an ethical issue.

    Midorikawa S, Ohtsuru A.

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  • 日本における甲状腺がんの過剰診断


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  • How to identify indolent thyroid tumors unlikely to recur and cause cancer death immediately after surgery-Risk stratification of papillary thyroid carcinoma in young patients.

    Kakudo K, Liu Z, Bai Y, Li Y, Kitayama N, et al.

    Endocr J. 2021 68:871-80.
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  • Lessons learned from conducting disease monitoring in low-dose exposure conditions as a counter-measure after a nuclear disaster.

    Ohtsuru A, Midorikawa S.

    J Rad Res. 2021 62(Suppl 1):i64-70.
  • The impact of a misinterpretation of the term “overtreatment”.

    Midorikawa S, Ohtsuru A.

    Endocr J. 2020 67:1253-5.
  • In reply: An accurate picture of Fukushima's Thyroid Ultrasound Examination Program.

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    Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020 144:797-8.
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  • Overdiagnosis of juvenile thyroid cancer: Time to consider self-limiting cancer.

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  • Overdiagnosis of juvenile thyroid cancer [Review].

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    Eur thyroid J. 2020 9:123-131.
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  • Disaster-zone research: make participation voluntary.

    Midorikawa S, Ohtsuru A.

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  • Harms of pediatric thyroid cancer overdiagnosis.

    Murakami M, Midorikawa S, Ohtsuru A.

    JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 146:84. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2019.3051.
  • Harm of overdiagnosis or extremely early diagnosis behind trends in pediatric thyroid cancer.

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  • Natural history of thyroid cancer suggests beginning of the overdiagnosis of juvenile thyroid cancer in the United States.

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  • Overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer: The children in Fukushima are in danger.

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  • 福島の甲状腺がんの過剰診断―なぜ発生し、なぜ拡大したかー

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  • Incidence of thyroid cancer among children and young adults in Fukushima, Japan, screened with 2 rounds of ultrasonography within 5 years of the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident.

    Ohtsuru A, Midorikawa S, Ohira T, et al.

    JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 145:4-11.
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  • Comparative analysis of the growth pattern of thyroid cancer in young patients screened by ultrasonography in Japan after a nuclear accident: The Fukushima Health Management Survey.

    Midorikawa S, Ohtsuru A, Murakami M, et al.

    JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2018 144:57-63.
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  • Natural history of thyroid cancer [Review].

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  • Psychosocial issues related to thyroid examination after a radiation disaster [Review].

    Midorikawa S, Tanigawa K, Suzuki S, Ohtsuru A.

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  • 甲状腺癌と超音波

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  • Encapsulated papillary thyroid carcinoma, follicular variant: A misnomer [Review].

    Kakudo K, Bai Y, Liu Z, Ozaki T.

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